Nature Tours

Caribbean region there more than 40 protected areas by the State, due to its extraordinary biological richness and biodiversity, different ecosystems such as tropical rain and cloudy fforest, beaches,coral reefs, lagoons, mangroves and many other wetlands. The flora and fauna it should be noted that this region has one of the highest concentration of life and species on the planet.

How is a great variety of species can enjoy and respect nature.

$79.50 p.p + TAX with transportation

Walk in the Wildlife Refuge with a local guide.  See different animals and plants in their natural habitat.

$90 p.p + TAX with transportation

Hike in the Cahuita National Park with a guide.  See animals in their natural setting – monkeys, birds, sloths.

$95 p.p + TAX with transportation

Snorkeling Tour

Manzanillo – By the shore
See different reefs and fish

Cahuita – Off of a boat
Inside the National Park

$110 p.p + TAX with transportation

Dolphin Tour

While on a boat, see 3 different types of dolphins in the wild- Tucuxi, Bottle Mouth, and Tiger Dolphins (No swimming with dolphins)

$75 p.p + TAX with transportation

Visit the Ara-Project
(Great Green Macaws)

The Great Green Macaws are endangered and the Ara Project is helping to take care of them and release them back into the wild. Learn about the history and facts about the birds

$110 p.p + TAX with transportation

Night Hike Tour

Experience using different senses (hearing) instead of just relying on your vision to navigate through the jungle. See animals that are active at night – frogs, owls, snakes

$185 p.p + TAX with transportation

San San Pond Sak, Manatee Panamá

Guide explains the National Park and the protection of the manatee.  Stay on platform for 2 hours and watch in the river for the manatee

$115 p.p + TAX with transportation

Night Time Turtle Watching

Season: March – June.
Watch the natural process of turtles building a nest and laying eggs (Not guaranteed to see turtles) Learn the facts and history of the leatherback turtles – The biggest turtles in the world

$75 p.p + TAX with transportation

Forest Bathing – Tree Therapy “Shirin-Yoku”

Starting with a short walk inside the forest, we will listen, meditate, connect, accept, and recognize ourselves and our surroundings.

$275  p.p + TAX with transportation

Jungle Camp and Uren Talamanca Walk

3-day hike, mountain expedition, hike within the International Friendship Park, Bribri culture experiences, dialects, medicinal plant tour.

$170 p.p + TAX with transportation

Hitoy Cerere Biological Station

Explore the talamanca biological center, discover snakes, birds, mammals, and more in this vital area, home to a delicate and unique ecosystem of flora and fauna.

$150 p.p + TAX p.p with transportation

Hike to Punta Mona Walking – round trip by boat

Guided Nature Walk Explore stunning locations with a qualified local guide, observe wildlife, and enjoy a snack along the way.

$103 p.p + TAX with transportation

Bird Watching

Includes two hours of birdwatching in the forest with a guide and also includes binoculars fruits and water

$102 p.p + TAX with transportation

Kekoldi Hidden Waterfall

Visit and swim in the highest waterfall in Talamanca and walk through primary (jungle) and secondary (cocoa and banana) forest. Have an indigenous box lunch

$179 p.p + TAX with transportation Economic Package
$194 p.p + TAX with transportation Standard Package

Tortuguero Wildlife Package

Tortuguero National Park is one of the most famous of Costa Rica´s National Parks. The scenery of the canals and the jungle that is around them is simply a must see

$265 + IVA p.p. | extra day $70

Bocas del Toro – Panama

Two-Day Getaway – Enjoy round-trip transportation from Puerto Viejo for a 2-day, 1-night adventure. Stay at Hotel Los Balcones with breakfast included. Experience a day tour featuring dolphin watching, snorkeling, and a visit to the stunning Zapatilla National Park.

$378 + IVA p.p. 

San Blas- Panama Kuna Yala -Communities

Guna Yala Sailboat Experience – Embark on a unique adventure with private transport from Panama City to Guna Yala. Enjoy accommodation aboard a sailboat, delicious homemade meals, and activities like sailing, snorkeling, yoga, and kayaking.

Don't Miss
Exciting activities await you on your vacation in Costa Rica South Caribbean, including Indigenous tours, guided hikes, birdwatching, whitewater rafting, and more.

Hours of Operation

08:00am – 7:00pm


+ 506 2750 2158

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Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!